A Connected Township is a new kind of place.   A place where the future is simpler, it’s unified, it’s connected.   Everyday things, like seamless connectivity, automated conveniences, saving on your energy bills, and even your transport is built into your monthly residence fees, are just a taste of what the life of a citizen that lives within a Connected Township could be like.   A Connected Township citizen will know what it feels like to get back time, living, and ideally even working in a place where life feels simplified.   To deliver this type of leading edge and truly connected life to a Connected Township citizen, all sorts of complex solutions, technologies, sensors, platforms, need to be seamlessly integrated.   So, the goal of every Connected Township as it relates to a citizen that would live, work, or play, requires the simpler elements of life intricately and seamlessly woven together in a new way to create something that is beautiful, simple and inspiring.   A Connected Township, The Future is Here.